Triyo Supriyatno


The education system in Indonesia requires multicultural education model for Indonesian society which has cultural diversity. The Government has made efforts in disseminating the concept of multicultural education before applying it as a representative model relevant for every level of education, but it still needs condition of situational diversity in the reality of people’s life in order to be the spearhead of success in education. The case study implemented qualitative approach and its participants were PAI teacher selected through purposive sampling. The result of in-depth interviews, classroom observation and documentation were analyzed using qualitative description. The findings show the application of elements of various cultures in the teaching of PAI which has been identified as a mechanism to develop relationship, to confirm the universality of Islam, dakwah method and the requirements of curriculum. It also reveals some existing obstacles in implementing these elements, namely the constraints of teachers, lack of reading and less training. Although this study showed that PAI teachers in this study attempted to implement various cultural elements in their teaching, the level of implementation of these elements is still at an acceptable level. Hence, the PAI teachers must enhance their understanding, knowledge, skills, and expertise to improve and develop their skills in applying the elements of multicultural education in the learning of PAI.


multicultural education; religious Islamic education; archipelago

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Ulul Albab: Jurnal Studi Islam, P-ISSN : 1858-4349, E-ISSN : 2442-5249