Keabsahan Poligami: Perspektif Muhammad Abduh dan Mahmud Syaltut

Aunur Rofiq


Polygamy nowadays becomes a hot topic which deserves great attention. From the history, it is known that it had been practiced. Several Rasuls, Ibrahim, Ya 'kub, Daud and Sulaiman had more than one wife. When Islam came to Arab peninsula, polygamy was still in practice. Islam, then, provides the rules and limits people to only have four wives. This research is aimed at analyzing Abduh’s  and Syaltut’s concepts' of polygamy. Even though the two proposed two contrasts ideas, but, seen from its norms, the two made use of justice as the main base of applying polygamy. In this sense, only few minor technical things differentiate the two concepts.


polygamy; Islam; analyzing Abduh’s and Syaltut’s

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Ahmad Mustafa al-Maraghi, Tafsir al-Maraghi II. Dar al-Fikr Ii al-Thaba'ah wa al Nasyr wa al-Tauzi'' h.181.

Mahmud Syaltut, Al-Islam Aqidah wa al-Syariah, Kairo: Dar al-Syurq 1992, h. 180

Muhammad Imarah, h. 163.yang diriwayatkan dari 'Urwah ibn al-Zubair. Lebih jelasnya lihat Rasyid Ridla, Tafsir al-Mandr IV, h. 344-348.

Muhammad Imarah, A1-Imaim Muhammad Abduh Mujaddid Dunya bi tajdidi al-Din, Kairo: Dar al-Syurq 1988 h. 250-253.

Muhammad Shaleh al-Marilisy, Tajkir Muhammad Rasyid Ridla min Khilfi.Majallah al-Manar (1898-1935), Tunisia: Al-Dar al-Timisia Ii al-Navyr 1985, h. 338.



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