Abstract: This paper attempts to construct eWOM concepts based on input-process-output perspectives
that produce a framework based on the identification of academic literature. This is based on the development
of the internet world, e-commerce, and electronic word of mouth (eWOM) that is able to influence consumer
behavior. The approach of this paper uses the literature review method of several journals relevant to the
theme and study of communication principles in Islamic perspective and then discuss the data. The findings
in this paper suggest that eWOM is relatively new. This is considered to be quite representative in the
literature review regarding eWOM. The results of the review also get some research showing the theory that
explains about eWOM phenomenon. The discussion not only aims to meet the gap in eWOM research but
also produces an overview in analyzing eWOM communication. It can present a structured approach in
researching various literatures and identify existing trends and gaps, aiming to find an overview in research on
eWOM. The results can integrate the classification framework that can present the concept framework in
other studies.
that produce a framework based on the identification of academic literature. This is based on the development
of the internet world, e-commerce, and electronic word of mouth (eWOM) that is able to influence consumer
behavior. The approach of this paper uses the literature review method of several journals relevant to the
theme and study of communication principles in Islamic perspective and then discuss the data. The findings
in this paper suggest that eWOM is relatively new. This is considered to be quite representative in the
literature review regarding eWOM. The results of the review also get some research showing the theory that
explains about eWOM phenomenon. The discussion not only aims to meet the gap in eWOM research but
also produces an overview in analyzing eWOM communication. It can present a structured approach in
researching various literatures and identify existing trends and gaps, aiming to find an overview in research on
eWOM. The results can integrate the classification framework that can present the concept framework in
other studies.
E-Commerce; Electronics word of mouth; Principles of Communication in Islam;
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Editorial Office:
Management Department,
Faculty of Economics,
State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim
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E-ISSN 2614-3437
P-ISSN 1829-524X
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