Are Persons Who Use Wheelchairs Able to Access Existing Mosques?
One of the Persons with Disabilities (PWDs') rights is participation in religious ceremonies, and mosques are where most Muslim religious activities are conducted. The present descriptive qualitative research investigates the accessibility of Persons Who Use Wheelchairs (PHUWs) to The University of Jordan's (UJ) mosque and the attached Islamic cultural center in light of national codes. The study was carried out through observations, photographs, and measurements using the maps and blueprints of the UJ mosque. The study found that the UJ mosque and its attached facilities had some accessible entrances, but many spaces lacked accessibility for PHUWs. For example, some ramps did not comply with standards, and PHUWs couldn't use them independently. In addition, the blueprints had proposed converting an existing WC unit into an accessible one for PHUWs, but this was not achieved. Instead, a new expansion added a fresh barrier to PHUW. The study recommends ensuring accessibility in mosques, monitoring accessible entrances, and raising awareness of PWDs' rights. Adopting some of the other Islamic countries' standards to improve national accessibility codes is also recommended. The study findings can benefit from renovating mosques and Islamic cultural centers in Jordan and other countries.
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