Islamic Aesthetics in Architecture: From East To West - The Work of Fernand Pouillon in Algeria

Ahmed Kaihoul, Leila Sriti, Insaf Boudabia


The existing monuments and heritage could inspire the principles of Islamic aesthetics in architecture. We cannot simply copy the same ancient buildings; rather, we should apply the same principles. Western architects always find ways to design Islamic architecture and present its aesthetics. This study offers an overview of Islamic aesthetics in architecture as interpreted by Fernand Pouillon (FP). This study explores the architect through his thoughts, concepts, philosophy, social studies, construction materials, morphology, and selected case studies in the south of Algeria. The methods used for data collection include analyzing the architect’s writings and architectural designs using standardized thematic axes. This proposal aims to provide a comprehensive qualitative and analytical study of a pioneering Western architect influenced by Islamic architecture who worked in Algeria during the 20th decade, specifically focusing on his work in the south of Algeria.


Islamic Aesthetics in Architecture; Fernand Pouillon; South of Algeria; Islamic Principles’ Reinterpretation; Pouillon’s Hotels in Algeria

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