Izdihar Farah Hanun, Johannes Parlindungan Siregar, Christia Meidiana


The An-Nuur Mosque is one of the components forming the Alun-Alun area in Batu City. This area has been designed as a strategic city area and has functioned as a tourist attraction supporting Batu City as an international tourist city. Therefore, the An-Nuur Mosque has to be inclusive, accommodating people with disabilities. This study aims to explore the dimensions and criteria for forming an inclusive mosque. This is a qualitative research using coding analysis techniques. The data collection techniques used observation and in-depth interviews conducted with eight disabled respondents in Batu City. The results of the analysis showed that an inclusive mosque is formed by three dimensions and several criteria; those are the physical dimension (internal circulation, external circulation, facility), social dimension (assistance from others, conflict with transportation drivers), and management dimension (mosque administrators).


Public space; inclusive mosque; accessibility; disability; inclusive city.

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