The Farthest Mosque (Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa in Jerusalem) has been associated in the consciousness of the Muslims, with The Sacred Mosque (Al-Masjid Al-Haram in Makkah) through a spiritual bond since the event of Isra’ (Night Journey) and Mi`raj (Ascension to Heaven). The objective of this study is to determine the orientation of the Farthest Mosque and illustrate the similarity in geometric shape (plan) and proportions, between the Farthest Mosque in Jerusalem and the sacred mosque (Al-Ka`bah) in Makkah, in the first part of the research. The second part of the research involves a study of some texts from the Old Testament that address the architectural and structural descriptions of the alleged temple, with the purpose of exposing whether glaring contradictions exist between the texts of the Old Testament themselves or between them and the real architectural and structural facts acknowledged by specialists in this field.
Keywords: The Farthest mosque, the Alleged Temple, Al-Ka`bah, geometric similarity
Masjid tertua (Masjid al-Aqsa di Jarusalem) telah dihubungkan dalam kesadaran umat muslim, dengan masjid suci (Masjidil Haram di Mekah) melalui ikatan spiritual sejak kejadian Isra’ (perjalanan malam) dan Mi’raj (kenaikan ke surga). Tujuan dari kajian ini adalah untuk menentukan orientasi masjid tertua and menggambarkan kesamaan bentuk geometri (denah) dan proporsi, antara masjid tertua di Jarusalem dan masjid suci (Ka’bah) di Mekah, di bagian pertama penelitian. Bagian kedua penelitian melibatkan kajian beberapa tulisan dari surat wasiat kuno yang mengarah kepada deskripsi arsitektural dan struktural kuil, dengan tujuan mengekspos baik kontradiksi yang mencolok antara tulisan surat wasiat kuno itu sendiri maupun di antara mereka, dan fakta arsitektural dan struktural yang nyata diakui oleh spesialis di lapangan
Kata kunci: masjid tertua, kuil, ka’bah, kesamaan geometri
Full Text:
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publication. pp. 127.
Dr. Hassan Zhazha mentioned that the area of
Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa is rectangular in shape being
oriented from north to south towards the
Qiblah in Makkah Al-Mukarramah, but he did
not support this claim with proof. See H.
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`idwan Baina AL-Muslimin [Israel; the
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`I. El-Said & A. Parman. 1976. Geometric
Concepts in Islamic Art. London: World of
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Beirut: Rushdi Salih Mulhin. pp.64.
The current measurements of the Ka`bah are as
follows: The north-east side: 11.68 m, the
north-west side: 9 m, the south-west side:
04 m, and the south-east side: 10.18 m. See:
Y. `A. `Abdur-Rahim. 1998. "Al-Qissah Al-
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Misriyyah Al-Lubnaniyyah. pp. 24.
Some people drew my attention to the point
that Dr. Haytham ar-Ratrut pointed out that
there is a parallel between the angles of the
Honorable Ka`bah and those of Al-Masjid
Al-Aqsa. So, after referring to his study, I
noticed that he did not assume any comparison
between the real shape of the Honorable
Ka`bah and Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa in maintaining
this proposition. Rather, he drew on the inverse shape, making the Yemini Corner in the place of
the Black Stone Corner, without indicating the
reason for that. However, it is well-known that
geometric comparisons should apply to real and
actual shapes of buildings. See:nH. Ar-Ratrut.
"Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa fil-Athar Al-
Qur'aniyyah" [The Farthest mosque in the
Qur'anic Archeology]. Journal of Bayt Al-Maqdis
(Islamic Jerusalem Studies). United Kingdom.
no.1. pp.1-32.
According to the Jews, David (Dawud) and
Solomon (Sulayman) are kings and not
prophets, while in our Muslim creed, they are
two prophets sent by Allah (Exalted be He).
See for instance: R. Najm .2004. Al-Madkhal
Lil-Madinah Al-Muqaddasa [Entry into the
Sacred City]. Amman: The General
International Islamic Conference of Jerusalem,
pp. 83.
For more information on Qur'anic verses and
authentic prophetic Hadiths that confirm this
fact, the reader can refer to: `I. Al-Qaddumi.
Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa, Al-Haqiqah wat-Tarikh
[The Farthest mosque, Fact and History].
nded. Hawli, Kuwait: Jerusalem Center for
Documentary Studies. pp. 10 & 14.
Many studies have touched on the contradictions
and distortion in the Bible. See, for instance: N.
`A. As-Samirra'i. 2003. At-Tawrah bayna Fuqdan
Al-Asl wa Tanaqud An-Nass The Torah between
loss of the Original and Contradictions of the
Text], 2nd ed. London: Dar Al-Hikmah. Other
researches also elaborated on refuting claims of
the presence of the alleged temple in general.
See: S. H. Ar-Riqib. 2002. "Naqd Al-Maza`im As-
Suhyuniyyah fi Haykal Sulayman [Refuting the
Zionist Allegations on Solomon's Temple]".
Islamic University Magazine. Vol. 10, 1st issue,
Gaza: Faculty of Usul Ad-Din, pp. 41 – 91.
`A. Al-Misiri. 1999. Mawsu`at Al-Yahud wa Al-
Yahudiyyah wa As-Suhyuniyyah. Vol. 4. Cairo:
Dar Al-Shuruq.
See also the description of the alleged temple
in: (Accessed
May 11, 2012).
See New International Version of the Bible in:
http:// (Accessed May
, 2012).
g (Accessed May 5, 2012).
The English-Hebrew version of the Bible in:
http:// (Accessed May
, 2012).
King James version of the Bible, Ibid.
The English-Hebrew version of the Bible in:
http:// (Accessed May
, 2012).
`A. Mustafa. 2006. Qadiyyat Al-Quds (The
Jerusalem Issue). Cairo: the Supreme Council
for Islamic Affairs, Egyptian Ministry of
Endowments. pp.49.
For more details, see: J. Al-`Ayyash. 2007.
Ha'it Al-Buraq [Al-Buraq Wall]. Cyprus:
Jerusalem Center for Documentary Studies.
M. M. Iskandar. 1972. Al-Quds wa Bayt Lahm
[Jerusalem and Bethlehem] (New and enlarged
edition). Cairo: Maktabat Al-Mahabbah. pp. 70.
–. 1970. The Holy Book. Cairo: The Holy Book
The English-Hebrew version of the Bible, Ibid.
For more details, see: B. Al-`Abid. 2001. “Al-
Huwiyyah Al-Mi`mariyyah wa Atharuha fi
Tahdid Al-Huwiyyah As-Siyasiyyah li Madinat Al-
Quds [Architectural Identity and its Impact in
Shaping the Political Identity of Jerusalem]”.
Journal of the Association of Arab Universities
for Studies and Research Engineering. Iraq:
College of Engineering, Bagdad Univ. pp. 1-70.
f7.htm (Accessed May 14, 2012).
New International Version of the Bible, ibid.
Kings James, English version, ibid
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