Alvira Aina A'yun



Real sector is one of sectors that support economic improvement. Islamic rural banks provide service in manufacture industry in their operational. The combination of Islamic rural banks and manufacture sector expected to doing well and contribute in economic growth.  Purpose of this study to examine effect of financing in Islamic rural bank toward real sektor. The research aim to identify connection between financial performances, financing akad, third party fund, inflation, exchange rate with financing in Islamic Rural Bank in real sector. This study uses quantitative field research. Further, the source is secondary data from Islamic Rural Bank report in Financial Services Authority, Indonesian Central Bank and Ministry of Commerce. These sources of data are used to examine Real sector financing from January 2014 until December 2018. The techniques of data collection was multiple regression analysis using Eviews version 7. These method were used for analysing the effect of financing performance, akad in financing, third party fund, inflation and exchange rate toward financing in real sector. Financing performance, third party fun, akad in financing, inflation and exchange rate have effect on financing in manufacture sector in Islamic rural banks. This study recommendation for Islamic Rural banks in upgrade banking activity, give knowledge to government to give rights policy for Islamic rural banks to operate the banking activity.


BPRS; Financial Performance; Financing Akad

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