Hubungan Pengetahuan dengan Sikap Masyarakat dalam Pencegahan Penyakit Demam Berdarah Dengue di Desa Betalemba Kecamatan Poso Pesisir Selatan

Anggri Assa


Background: Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is one of many infectious diseases caused by the bite of the Aedes aegypti mosquito which is commonly found in tropical and subtropical regions throughout the world. This disease can occur throughout the year and attack every individual regardless of age. This disease appears related to environmental conditions and community behavior. Research Methods: This research is a quantitative type with a correlation design and cross sectional approach. The population is all the communities in the village of Betalemba with 303 families. Until that is a portion of the population of 171. The sampling technique is proportional stratified random sampling. The data were analyzed and tested using the Chi-Square test with a value of P <0.05. Results: showed 83 respondents (38.8%) were sufficiently knowledgeable, 68 knowledgeable respondents (39.8%) and 20 (11.7%) less knowledgeable respondents, then respondents who had enough attitudes 105 (61.4%), respondents who have good attitudes as much as 53 (31.0%) and respondents who have less attitudes as much as 13 (7.6%). Conclusion: Knowledge relates to people's attitudes in preventing dengue disease in Betalemba village, Poso Pesisir Selatan District.

 Keywords: Knowledge, Attitude, DHF

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