Leny Candra Kurniawan, Ikhwan Abdullah


Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy is a type of nerve damage
that occurs due to diabetes. High blood sugar levels in the
long term can cause damage to nerve fibers throughout the
body, such as legs, feet, blood circulation, heart, digestive
system, and urinary tract. Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy is
a serious complication of diabetes that often causes pain in
the limbs. Pain management Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy
is usually by administering pain medication for a long period
of time. These medicines will have side effects. The use of
acupuncture as an alternative to help reduce the intensity of
pain in peripheral diabetic neuropathy has proven to be
effective and relatively without side effects. The advantage of
acupuncture therapy is that it has relatively no side effects.
The general aim of this study is to reduce the intensity of pain
in peripheral neuropathy. The research design uses
quantitative methods. The study population was all patients
with peripheral neuropathy who visited the Harmoni Healthy
Clinic in March-May 2019. The sampling method used was
accidental sampling. The benefits of this study provide an
alternative for DM sufferers to reduce the intensity of
neuropathic pain naturally with acupuncture without fear.
side effects. From the results of this study it is known that
there is an influence of Jin’s Three Needle acupuncture in
reducing the intensity of pain in Peripheral Neuropathy.
Calculations using statistical SPSS 21 with paired sample t
test obtained significant results (0.00) <from the value of α
(0.05), then H1 is accepted. So with a significance level of
5%, it can be concluded that Jin's Three Needle acupuncture
can reduce the intensity of pain in diabetic peripheral

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