Surabaya City Honorary Teacher Salary Business Process Modeling

Ilham Hadziq Amrulloh, Alva Saputra, Ainul Yaqin


This investigation aims to simulate the supplementary business process enhancement of honorary teacher earnings in Surabaya City, East Java Province, by applying the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) to attain a higher level of efficacy in the supplementary income enhancement process. The primary focus of the investigation was to enhance operational efficiency in the auxiliary management of intricate income enhancement in upper-secondary schools. It is anticipated that by employing BPMN, this investigation can furnish a lucid and comprehensive visual depiction of the progressive flow of income enhancement, recognize potential enhancements, and optimize processes, thereby enabling the outcomes to positively contribute to the effectiveness, responsiveness, and precision of supplementary services for income enhancement in the upper secondary education environment in the City of Surabaya. Furthermore, using BPMN is projected to simplify the progressive management of overall earnings enhancements, facilitating a more transparent and responsive system. This research not only aims to enhance efficiency but also offers valuable insights for continuous enhancement in the process of supplementary income improvement in the educational domain in Surabaya. The discoveries of this investigation are expected to serve as the foundation for developing strategies and methodologies that promote an additional system of efficient and effective income enhancement, ensure a work environment conducive to honoree teachers, and contribute to the overall advancement of the education sector.

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