Ega Okta Syafan Prayoga, Nur Muhammad Najiburrohman, Muhammad Ainul Yaqin


The development of information and computer technology has occurred at an extraordinary speed, increasing human interaction with computers and allowing people to utilize the internet and technological devices for their daily needs. Information technology provides conveniences such as access to information, communication, and transactions without having to leave home. One form of application of this technology is through multifunctional cellular phones. In this digital era, digital wallets have become an integral part of everyday life in Indonesia, facilitating financial transactions and opening up access to various levels of society. With additional features such as loyalty and cashback programs, as well as strong regulatory support, digital wallets are expected to continue to grow, providing greater benefits to the economy and people's welfare. Two online financial service applications that are currently very popular among the public are OVO and GoPay. This research is first carried out data collection, then data processing, analysis and conclusions. Based on the results of the analysis for the SUS value of the GoPay application of 62.3 and for the OVO application of 29.28.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18860/jocdas.v2i1.28254

DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.18860/jocdas.v2i1.28254.g11561


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