Evaluation of User Experience of Online Food Ordering Applications Using the Usability Method

Muhammad Haikal Azzadin, Rizky Fadilah Akbar, Muhammad Ainul Yaqin


The online food ordering application industry in Indonesia has experienced significant growth in recent years, driven by increased internet penetration, widespread smartphone usage, and shifts in consumer lifestyles characterized by busyness. This growth has led to intensified competition among various online food ordering applications. These applications not only simplify the ordering process for busy individuals, such as office workers, but also provide food vendors with effective platforms to reach a broader audience in this rapidly evolving technological landscape. The primary objective of this research is to evaluate the user experience of three prominent applications: GrabFood, ShopeeFood, and GoFood. By conducting this evaluation, the study aims to identify the strengths and weaknesses in the user experiences offered by these applications. The research employs the Usability Method, which is integral to designing and developing optimal user experiences. Data collection involves conducting interviews and usability testing with fifteen or more respondents, facilitating a comprehensive assessment of user interactions with the applications. The findings of this study reveal critical insights into user satisfaction and highlight key areas for improvement within each application. By addressing user experience deficiencies, developers can enhance the overall effectiveness and user enjoyment of online food ordering applications. In conclusion, the implications of this research underscore the necessity for continuous evaluation of user experience in the context of rapidly evolving digital services. Future research should explore additional user demographics and incorporate more extensive usability testing to further refine these platforms.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18860/jocdas.v2i2.28353

DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.18860/jocdas.v2i2.28353.g12113


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