Assessing the Performance of the Malang Mbois Application Using Functional and Integration Testing

Charis Maulana


In the digital era, mobile applications like Malang Mbois—developed by the Communication and Informatics Office of Malang City—play a critical role in enhancing public services and community engagement. The issues related to the reliability and functionality of such applications necessitate rigorous evaluation. This research is essential as it seeks to highlight performance benchmarks for public service applications, ensuring they effectively meet user needs. The primary objective of this study is to evaluate the performance of the Malang Mbois application using functional and integration testing, guided by the black box testing method. The research focuses on assessing specific features of the application, aiming to identify any discrepancies against the established specifications. Methodologically, the study employs manual testing procedures directed at individual application features to ensure each meets functional requirements. The population for this research consists of the various features within the Malang Mbois application. The findings reveal that most features operate effectively, yielding an overall test success rate of 82.35%. However, certain bugs and integration issues were identified, specifically concerning the bookmark and search bar functionalities on particular pages. Despite demonstrating satisfactory performance in integrating external services, some components require further development. In conclusion, the results underscore the need for ongoing enhancements to improve the application's reliability and user experience. Future recommendations include extensive testing and further development to achieve complete functionality in the Malang Mbois application.

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