Enhancing Operational Efficiency in Bus Companies Through Effective ERP Implementation

Daffa Zuhdi Syahada, Haniyah Haniyah, Muhammad Ainul Yaqin


This study examines the impact of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems on operational efficiency in bus companies, focusing on production planning and fleet management. The research addresses challenges such as inefficient resource allocation and delayed responsiveness to market demands, which are critical issues in the competitive transportation sector. A quantitative research approach was adopted, utilizing a case study of a bus company implementing an ERP system. Data were collected from ERP modules, including production planning, inventory management, and fleet maintenance. Statistical analyses were conducted to evaluate the effect of ERP on key performance indicators, such as inventory efficiency, schedule adherence, and operational cost reduction. The results demonstrate that ERP implementation significantly improves operational efficiency, enabling real-time adjustments to dynamic market conditions and enhancing customer satisfaction. However, the study also highlights challenges such as reliance on accurate data input and the need for continuous system maintenance to sustain effectiveness.In conclusion, ERP systems are highlighted as vital strategic tools for bus companies seeking to enhance operational efficiency and adaptability. Future research should investigate effective ERP implementation strategies and the long-term impact on organizational performance.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18860/jocdas.v2i2.30268

DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.18860/jocdas.v2i2.30268.g12110


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