Enhancing Information Dissemination through the Development of the DIKDASMEN PDM Malang City Website Using WordPress CMS

dewi nabila magfiroh


Inadequate effectiveness and efficiency in disseminating educational information pose significant challenges for DIKDASMEN PDM Malang City. Addressing these issues is crucial for improving administrative management and ensuring timely access to important educational content. This study aims to develop a website for DIKDASMEN PDM Malang City using the WordPress Content Management System (CMS) to enhance information dissemination effectiveness and efficiency. The research seeks to answer whether the implementation of WordPress CMS can significantly improve these aspects. The website was developed using the Waterfall method, encompassing stages of needs analysis, design, implementation, integration and testing, and maintenance. The target population included users involved in accessing and managing educational information in Malang City. The development process resulted in an 83.3% improvement in the effectiveness and efficiency of information dissemination, as evidenced by user surveys. The website now provides easy access to educational content, including school profiles, data, vision and mission statements, and activity documentation. The WordPress-based website has effectively enhanced the quality of information dissemination and management of educational administration under DIKDASMEN PDM Malang City. The study suggests continued use and periodic updates to maintain its effectiveness and recommends exploring additional features for further improvements.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18860/jocdas.v2i2.30850

DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.18860/jocdas.v2i2.30850.g12116


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