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Author Guidelines
Authors should make ensure that the manuscript complies the following guidelines before submite it in the Madrasah: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Dasar:
General Guidelines
- The article containts the result of research (original research paper) in the field of elementary education and must be following the focus and scope of the journal.
- Paper must be original, never published in other publication or in deep review process in other publications (The Attached Statement) proceeding included.
- Manuscript should be written in Indonesia or English and be submitted online via Author must register or login in order to make submission.
- Article length is not more than ten (15) pages (not including reference list) and use the template of journal.
- The minimum number of references is 20, consisting of 80% from scientific journals published in the last 10 years.
- Check the similarity of the article before submitting. The tolerance limit for similarity is 20% (without exclude).
Manuscript Contents
- Title. The title of the article no more than 15 words, give an overview of research that has been done (short, clear, straightforward, and informative), write in Book Antiqua 12 point, spacing 1, bold and center.
- The author's name should written complete without academic title and typed below the article title. If the author more than one person, then added the next row.
- Affiliations/Institutions/Agencies, Write the name of the agency that is affiliated with the author along with the address (University, address). For example: Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Indonesia.
- Email address, write an email address that is still active and put under the name of institutions / agencies.
- Abstract, must be written in Indonesian and English, with 12 point book antiqua letters, aligned left and right (justify) containing the objectives, research methods, and results. The minimum number of words is 150 and the maximum is 250 words. The abstract tells the reader what the author did, and highlights the main findings. Avoid using unusual jargon and abbreviations. Abstracts must be accurate, concise, clear, and specific. Use words that reflect the exact meaning.
Keywords, consists of 3-5 keywords and sparated by semicolon (;).
Articles use systematics: introduction; research method; results and discussion; conclusions; bibliography
Introduction should explain the urgency of research, supporting facts from previous studies, gap analysis, research status, the novelty of research, and research objectives. Written in one chapter without subtitle.
Research methods explain about research design, population, and sample, data source, data collection technique, data analysis technique. It is written in paragraph form.
Results and discussion describe the results of the research and analysis obtained. Various important facts and phenomena can be described further in this section. After that, it was followed by an in-depth discussion by conveying the findings and pioneering ideas and their significance. The results contain answers to research problems quantitatively and/or qualitatively in a clear, precise, and complete manner that can use actual information in the form of pictures/graphs/tables/descriptions. The discussion contains a summary of the research results, linkages with concepts or theories and other relevant research results, interpretation of findings, research limitations, and implications for the development of concepts or science.
Conclusions presented briefly, narrative, and conceptual that describes the research findings and their effects. Avoid using numbering and symbols (bullet and numbering).
Guidelines for Citation and References
- All the served data or quotes in the article taken from the other author articles should attach the reference sources.
- Writing citations and bibliography should use application management references such as Mendeley, End Note, Zotero or applications in Ms Word.
- Writing citations and bibliography using APA format (American Psychological Association) by using innote writing technique.
- All references used must be taken from the main source (national and international reputable scientific journals and at least 80% of the reference amount used.
- Number of references at least 25 references.
- References used should be published in the last 10 years.
- Wikipedia, personal blog, and non scientific website are not allowed to be used as reference.
Before sending your paper, please perform typographical, grammatical error and plagiarism by using:
- Grammarly:
- Turnitin:
Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration
- The submission file is in Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
- I hereby declare that this submission is my own work
- I hereby stated that this manusrcipt have no plagiarism matter.
- The instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed to the submitted manuscript.
- I have adjusted to the author guidelines and template of Madrasah Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Dasar
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
Author Fees
This journal charges the following author fees.
Article Submission: 0.00 (IDR)
Authors are not required to pay an Article Submission Fee as part of the submission process to contribute to review costs.
Article Publication: 750000.00 (IDR)
The fee for publication of original papers in this journal is IDR 750.000.00 (for local Authors) and currently FREE for abroad Authors. If the paper is accepted for publication, you will be asked to pay the fee. Accepted manuscripts will not be published until payment has been received.