Evaluasi Sikap Dan Perilaku Siswa Terhadap Lingkungan Hidup Dan Pembangunan Berwawasan Lingkungan Di Madrasah

Neni Wahyuningtiyas


Environmental education is one effort to realize environmental sustainability for present until future. Explicitly, it shows that human effort to save
environmental must be done continuously, relay from one generation to the next generation. In fact, there is problem about behavior and attitude of student class XI at MA Nurul Ulum Munjungan Trenggalek towards environmental sustainability. Most of student have less concern towards
environmental sustainability, for examples throwing the rubbish everywhere, letting classroom dirty, plant that are not caring well, and excessive use of water. In order to describe the behavior and attitude of students towards
environmental and development based on environmental, evaluation about behavior and attitude of student is needed to be done actually and systematically.
Keywords: Evaluation, behavior, environmental behavior


Evaluation; behavior; environmental behavior

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18860/jt.v6i1.3290

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