Pengaruh Role Model dan Religiusitas Terhadap Perilaku Antikorupsi pada Mahasiswa Organisatoris di Jawa Timur

Sakinah Nur Rokhmah, Julia Tirta Putri, Akbar Prasetyo Utomo


Indonesia is ranked in 117 out of 175 from the most corrupt countries in the world. The corruption phenomenon can be analyzed from the individual micro elements. In a person's life, there are people considered as a role model / anti-corruption figures. Considering that one could not control his desire, he tends to justify any way for his pleasure. It might be said that  self-control is closely related to religiosity. In fact, corruption not only happens in official governors, but also in university students. It is ironic when we compare it with the ideal expectations of the community toward students as the future generation. The  purpose of this research is to know the influence of role models and religiosity toward anti-corruption behavior. Quota Sampling is used to collect the data ( 440 students from nine universities in East Java) and moderated regression analysis (MRA) is utilised to analyze them. The result shows that the religiosity variable can not moderate independence and dependence variables. Nevertheless, role models have a significant effect to predict anti-corruption behavior by 12.7%. Of four role model figures, teacher/lecturer figure has the largest contribution by 12,7% toward anti-corruption behavior. Unfortunately, this figure is considered having low anti-corruption behaviour by their student. The result of this research would be recommendation for the government to find the right agent to prevent and intervene corruption behavior and for the students to choose the right figure in fostering anti-corruption behaviour.


Role model; Religiosity; Anti-corruption Behaviour

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