Usability Analysis of Higher Education Information Systems (SIDIKTI) at Sjakhyakirti University Using Post-Study System Usability Questionnaire (PSSUQ)
The Higher Education Information System (SIDIKTI) is a existing systems at Sjakhyakirti University which is used as a basis for the needs of the academic community to make it easier for operators, students and lecturers to control teaching schedules, take courses, view classrooms, and print semester study results. The system created needs to be investigated for its usability level. A high level of usability is usually closely related to the popularity and high utilization of the system by users. This study aims to analyze the Usability of SIDIKTI at Sjakhyakirti University using the Post-Study System Usability Questionnaire (PSSUQ). by having four response items, namely 2.504 overall, 2.502 sysuse, 2.509 infoqual and 2.59 intqual. From the results that have been obtained that SIDIKTI as a whole is good, and in terms of usability SIDIKTI is easy and convenient to use so that users become more productive, effective, efficient in using the system and the quality of SIDIKTI information can be well received by users, so it helps in completing work. This shows because PSSUQ has the principle of lower score high usability, where if the score obtained is smaller, the usability will be greater.
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