Studi hukum tidak akan lepas dari sebuah kondi?kasi teks yang memiliki tujuan tertentu. Agar tujuan yang terkandung dalam makna teks secara hakiki dapat tercapai, diperlukan adanya dekonstruksi hukum. Melalui dekonstruksi, upaya pembangunan hukum di Indonesia yang selama ini dikenal hanya sebatas hukum yang berlaku secara yuridis formal, perlu dimaknai kembali sehingga mencakup nilai-nilai kemaslahatan yang berlaku secara universal. Meskipun perlu diakui, bahwa nilai-nilai kemaslahatan tetap tidak akan mampu menciptakan kepastian hukum, kecuali melalui upaya supremasi hukum yang berupa teks-teks itu sendiri. Untuk menciptakan kepastian hukum (legal certainty), ajaran itu hampir pasti mutlak diperlukan, namun dalam realitas empirisnya ajaran hukum modern tersebut tidak begitu saja dapat diterapkan begitu saja menjadi rule of law tanpa melihat sebagai rule of morality.
The study of law coincides with the codi?cation of texts, and the deconstruction of law is considered necessary to understand the true meaning of the legal texts. Through the process of deconstruction, the legal development of the country which is merely focused on formal and juridical aspect of law needs to include new nuance of universal public bene?t, despite any doubt on its legal uncertainty. In order to achieve legal certainty, reference to the legal text is a necessity, even though in reality modern legal theory cannot operate as rule of law without implementing rule of morality.
Kata kunci: Teks, Dekonstruksi, Kemaslahatan, Kepastian hukum
The study of law coincides with the codi?cation of texts, and the deconstruction of law is considered necessary to understand the true meaning of the legal texts. Through the process of deconstruction, the legal development of the country which is merely focused on formal and juridical aspect of law needs to include new nuance of universal public bene?t, despite any doubt on its legal uncertainty. In order to achieve legal certainty, reference to the legal text is a necessity, even though in reality modern legal theory cannot operate as rule of law without implementing rule of morality.
Kata kunci: Teks, Dekonstruksi, Kemaslahatan, Kepastian hukum
Syariah; Hukum Perdata Islam; Teks, Dekonstruksi, Kemaslahatan, Kepastian hukum
Copyright (c) 2011 Inayatul Anisah
Published By:
Shariah Faculty Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim MalangGajayana Street 50 Malang, East Java, Indonesia
De Jure: Jurnal Hukum dan Syar'iah is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International