Pemenuhan nafkah istri bukan hanya ketika ikatan perkawinan masih terjalin, namun pasca perceraian nafkah istri juga harus dipenuhi. Agama sangat jelas mengatur dan menjembatani hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan pemenuhan nafkah istri. Problem seputar nafkah istri pasca perceraian sering kali menjadi kasus yang tak kunjung usai, karena banyak terjadi dari pihak mantan suami lalai memenuhi kewajibannya terhadap mantan istrinya, akibatnya pihak istri sering kali dirugikan. Kasus yang sering mencuat ke permukaan masyarakat adalah disebabkan banyaknya istri yang awam hukum diselesaikan begitu saja, sementara hak- haknya diabaikan. Hal tersebut disebabkan karena masih banyak masyarakat yang belum melek hukum, terutama yang berkaitan dengan hukum-hukum agama. Di sisi lain suami masih cenderung menyepelekan kewajiban karena dianggap persoalan sudah selesai seiring dengan putusan cerai, sehingga banyak yang tak memenuhi kewajibannya seperti: memberi nafkah selama iddah, pembagian harta bersama (gono gini), melunasi mahar yang terutang dan memberikan biaya hadhanah kepada anak- anaknya.
Maintenance is not only the right of wife in the bond of marriage but also after the divorce. However, women mostly denied the right of maintenance after the dissolution of marriage. This denial is partly resulted from the women’s ignorance of their legal right and partly due to the negligence of the men to carry out their duty of maintenance falsely considering that the duty has ended by the termination of marriage. Maintenance during the waiting period (iddah), distribution of estates (gono gini), giving the unpaid dower, and widow right of retention are among the perplexing issues following the dissolution of marriage. Sanction against the violation of these rulings should be enacted and implemented.
Maintenance is not only the right of wife in the bond of marriage but also after the divorce. However, women mostly denied the right of maintenance after the dissolution of marriage. This denial is partly resulted from the women’s ignorance of their legal right and partly due to the negligence of the men to carry out their duty of maintenance falsely considering that the duty has ended by the termination of marriage. Maintenance during the waiting period (iddah), distribution of estates (gono gini), giving the unpaid dower, and widow right of retention are among the perplexing issues following the dissolution of marriage. Sanction against the violation of these rulings should be enacted and implemented.
Syariah; Hukum Perdata Islam; Muamalah; Nafkah istri; Pernikahan; Perceraian;
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Copyright (c) 2011 Dr. Dra. Tutik Hamidah, M.Ag.
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Shariah Faculty Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim MalangGajayana Street 50 Malang, East Java, Indonesia
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