This article study the business ethics according of al-Ghazali which can be found among its book
ihya’ ’ulum al-din, according for him is not properly by merchant only focussed its view to just world, by
forgetting eternity. If that happened that way, hence its age will without effect. On the contrary for sensible
suggested to look after the himself by taking care of its capital. And capital of human being in this life is
religion and business of exist in its. Al-Ghazali divide the business ethics become seven, that is; straightening
intention in have business, intention to do the fardu kifayah, besides paying attention to world market also
pay attention to the eternity market, when transacting in Market always remember the Allah, do not too
ambition in have business, avoiding and leaving business which syubhat of and surely illicit, and ever take a
care the evaluation in have business to don’t harm others. While valuable transaction of kindliness, al-Ghazali
divide the ethics become six, that is; practicing on to the manner born, do not complicate if transacting at
pauper, doing a kindness moment bill for the debt, doing a kindness moment pay for the debt, canceling
transaction of seller moment get the loss, giving payment diffuseness for clan faqir and impecunious
ihya’ ’ulum al-din, according for him is not properly by merchant only focussed its view to just world, by
forgetting eternity. If that happened that way, hence its age will without effect. On the contrary for sensible
suggested to look after the himself by taking care of its capital. And capital of human being in this life is
religion and business of exist in its. Al-Ghazali divide the business ethics become seven, that is; straightening
intention in have business, intention to do the fardu kifayah, besides paying attention to world market also
pay attention to the eternity market, when transacting in Market always remember the Allah, do not too
ambition in have business, avoiding and leaving business which syubhat of and surely illicit, and ever take a
care the evaluation in have business to don’t harm others. While valuable transaction of kindliness, al-Ghazali
divide the ethics become six, that is; practicing on to the manner born, do not complicate if transacting at
pauper, doing a kindness moment bill for the debt, doing a kindness moment pay for the debt, canceling
transaction of seller moment get the loss, giving payment diffuseness for clan faqir and impecunious
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