ne"> Marketing intelligence is very important for a company to maintain its competitive advantage in
order to face industrial competition. So, if it is done optimally, the information about competitors data can then
be achieved and the company can make a decision related to the information. In reality great scale company,
which is the object of the research, implement marketing inteligence based on intelligence activities, sources,
and factors. Therefore, the company has to adopt the marketing intelligence system to face existing industrial
competition and be able to apply it as the procedure. The result shows that: 1) The marketing intelligence
employed by great scale companies uses competitive advantage planning and customer value analysis in
observing its competitor. 2) The marketing intelligence source employed by great scale companies uses two
sources, company environment (internal) and outside environment of the company (external). 3) Marketing
intelligence factor employed by great scale companies uses 3 factors. First, the observation of 6 main competitor
data including competitor’s products, price, promotion, strategy, sale, and other data.Second, competitive
advantage factor emphasizing on information processing related to competitor’s innovation such as product
quality. Third, the salesman factor who employs person in the company to do marketing intelligence in which
the company ability is very important in these factors application.
order to face industrial competition. So, if it is done optimally, the information about competitors data can then
be achieved and the company can make a decision related to the information. In reality great scale company,
which is the object of the research, implement marketing inteligence based on intelligence activities, sources,
and factors. Therefore, the company has to adopt the marketing intelligence system to face existing industrial
competition and be able to apply it as the procedure. The result shows that: 1) The marketing intelligence
employed by great scale companies uses competitive advantage planning and customer value analysis in
observing its competitor. 2) The marketing intelligence source employed by great scale companies uses two
sources, company environment (internal) and outside environment of the company (external). 3) Marketing
intelligence factor employed by great scale companies uses 3 factors. First, the observation of 6 main competitor
data including competitor’s products, price, promotion, strategy, sale, and other data.Second, competitive
advantage factor emphasizing on information processing related to competitor’s innovation such as product
quality. Third, the salesman factor who employs person in the company to do marketing intelligence in which
the company ability is very important in these factors application.
intelligent activities; intelligence source; intelligence factor in the company;
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Editorial Office:
Management Department,
Faculty of Economics,
State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim
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E-ISSN 2614-3437
P-ISSN 1829-524X
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