Moderasi Ukuran Perusahaan pada Profitabilias, Leverage dan Rasio Aktivitas terhadap Kebijakan Dividen
Abstract: Dividend policy is the company's policy in determining how much profit will be paid as dividends to investors. Dividend policy is the most important determination for a company because it is not only a source of investment profit, but also shows the company's performance. In making dividend payment policies the company considers financial ratios that can have an influence on dividend payment policies. The purpose of this study is to examine the role of company size to moderate the effect of profitability ratios, leverage ratios and activity ratios on dividend policy. This study makes the service sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2014-2018 as a research population of 289 companies with the research sample taken using purposive sampling technique as many as 69 companies. This research method uses descriptive quantitative method. Data analysis was processed using Partial Least Squares (PLS) analysis with Warp-Pls 6.0 software. The results of this study indicate that the profitability ratios and activity ratios affect the dividend policy positively and significantly, while the leverage ratio affects the dividend policy negatively and significantly. Firm size strengthens the effect of profitability ratios on dividend policy but does not moderate the effect of leverage ratios and activity ratios on dividend policy
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