Egi Agutian R.S, Hayyu Afuw, Yulinda Nordiana M.A.S


Muslims in Indonesia are the most major element. With a population of 254.9 million, Indonesia is the country with the largest number of Muslims in the world. Based on data from the Central Bureau of Statistics 2015, the number of Muslims in Indonesia is about 87%. But not optimally run the function of the mosque as a central activity of Muslims both in mahdhah worship and ghair mahdhah. In order to realize the function, the potential development of Islamic philanthropy in the mosque becomes the right choice one of them is the development of productive waqf in the form of wakaf market.
Wakaf market Al-Khaibar Malang is an access for people to simplify the system of sale and purchase based on the mosque. However, market managed wakaf needs to adjust the current state of digital-based. Therefore, Al-Khaibar market wakaf need to develop vehicle waqf to be the target market expansion. The purpose of this research is Knowing Capital and Development of productive waqf mini market Al-Khaibar and provide innovative development of productive waqf mini market Al-Khaibar.
The type of research used in this study is empirical research (field research). data collection methods that researchers use is by interview and documentation and secondary data that other litelatur relevant to the research material. Data analysis method used in this research is descriptive analysis.
The results obtained, Minimarket Al-Khaibar has a policy of implementation of productive endowments include the percentage of installment repayment minimal mini capital to be returned and allocation of funds productive endowments. Nadzir reward is intensive alaih. The minimarket manager consists of managers and employees. Employment recruitment is preferred from surrounding communities and people in need of employment, prospective workers register with application letter, following interview selection by manager. Also establishing partners with distributors like Unilever and the location of minimarkets adjacent to the mosque is very strategic in the development effort Go Wakaf. So that the mosque is really central to the activities of Muslims, especially in the field of independent economy.


Optimizing wakaf ptoduktif; Wakaf market; Go Wakaf;

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18860/ed.v5i2.5235


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