Abdul Hakim Abd al-Khaliq al-Hassan


The research aims to study the effect of the elements of consistency in the text cohesion through the selected text from the" Akbar abialgasim alzagagy" book, to detect what is possible of the secrets of the artistic languor based on the linguistic objective foundations (rules, this has been through several axe. The study has two axes. The first axis is devoted to the theoretical frame work in which the researcher defined the text, coherence and consistency and it's components, The second come to apply these elements to a text was chosen from “Akbar abilgasim alzagagy” book. The study reached the following findings. The study reached several conclusions, including that because of the various means of consistency the indicative unity of the text is achieved and brought together between its many sentences and inter dependence property owned by these means. The study found that more elements of consistency limitation to text clips assignments, specially indicative assignment indicative element. The ability to high light the most indicative personalized elements are pronouns. Not only this but that the vole of the deletion on the grounds that it is most important means of consistency in the text because of the optimal investment in pronoun assignments which is used as alternative of repeating the subject special the subject of.


consistency; text; cohesion; Abi Al-Qasim

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