This is a plain contrastive descriptive study between two languages, Arabic and Indonesian, especially the contrast between their phonetics, lexical, phonological and syntax levels. The research concludes within that there is similarity and differentiation in its phonetics, lexical, phonological and syntax systems. In phonetics we found a contrast related to consonants and vocals sounds, and also in syllable sounds. In lexical domain, there is a meaning formulated in one word in Arabic language, but in Indonesian language we found it composed of two words, for example: ?????? ????? ????? ??????, rumah sakit, makan siang, makan malam and others. In the phonology, it is found out that Arabic language is an etymological language and the Indonesian language is an affix language, and Arabic language adopt systems of masculine, feminine, singular, dual (mutsanna) and plural which is different from Indonesian language. In syntax of Indonesian language, we found that the meaning is defined by the combination of the words and its position, it is based on subject combination (nominal clause), in other hand we found that the Arabic language is a syntax language (lughah mu’rabah), the meaning is defined by the syntax (al i’rab) and it adopts both of nominal clause and verbal clause. Those Arabic phenomena which are not adopted by Indonesian language should be taken into account in learning and teaching Arabic Language by the Indonesians.
Contrastive Descriptive; Arabic; Language; Indonesian; Language
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