Resuscitating students’ attitude toward mathematics via computer-based software package instruction

Udobia Elijah Etukudo


The poor attitude of students towards mathematics in Nigeria has constituted a threat to national development, considering the important of mathematics in all facet of life. This study determines the effect of computer-based software on student’s attitude towards mathematics-graph, using three groups taught with computer-based software, graphic organizers and conventional strategy (discussion method). Gender and computer self-efficacy were used as moderating variables to determine the existence gender disparity in attitude towards mathematics when computer-based software was used and to establish the effect of computer self-efficacy on students’ attitude towards mathematics when taught with computer-based software. The result shows that  computer-based software was more effective in enhancing attitude towards graphs than graphic organizer and conventional strategy. There was also significant interaction effect of treatment and computer self-efficacy; treatment and gender; treatment, computer self-efficacy and gender on attitude towards graphs.  computer-based software was found to significantly improve students’ attitude towards graphs than the conventional strategy. Therefore, computer-based software for use in teaching Mathematics in secondary schools in Nigeria. To this effect mathematics teachers should be trained on the design, development and use of computer assisted instruction package in teaching.


Resuscitating; Attitude; Mathematics; Computer-based Software

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