The Effect Of Beetroot Juice (Beta Vulgaris L) And Star Fruit (Averrhoa Carambola L) On The Reduction Of Blood Pressure In Second Trimester Pregnant Women With Gestational Hypertension

Reny Retnaningsih, Tut Rayani Aksohini Wijayanti


Background: Gestational hypertension is usually defined as high blood
pressure that develops after 20 weeks of gestation in the absence of
proteinuria. Beets and star fruit contain vitamins and minerals such as B
vitamins and calcium, potassium, phosphorus, and iron, which can safely
lower blood pressure in pregnancy.

Objective: Determine the effect ofbeetroot juice (Beta vulgaris L) and star fruit (Averrhoacarambola L) on reducing blood pressure in pregnant women in the second trimester with gestational hypertension.

Method: This pre-experimental research was a one-group pretest-posttest design with 200 ml/day of beet and starfruit juiceintervention for two weeks. The samples taken were 15 second trimesterpregnant women with gestational hypertension.The data taken is bloodpressure before and after treatment—data analysis using paired t-test.

Results: data onthe mean systolic blood pressure before treatment is 146.53
mmHg and after treatment is 126.07 mmHg and the average diastolic blood
pressure before treatment is 94.53 mmHg and after treatment is 91.13
mmHg. There is an effect of beet and star fruit juice administration on
systolic and diastolic blood pressure in second-trimester pregnant women
with gestational hypertension (p <0.05).

Conclusion : pregnant women withgestational hypertension is to treat hypertension using beet and starfruit juice so that hypertension can be treated immediately.

Keywords: Beetroot Juice, Beta vulgaris L , Star Fruit , Averrhoa carambola L, Gestational Hypertension

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