The Influence of Murottal Al- Quran Exposure to Leydig Cell Of Stressed Male Mice (Mus Musculus)

Meilina Ratna Dianti, Yen Yen Ari Indrawijaya, Fidia Rizkiah Inayatilah, Alifah Nurin Zuhdina


Introduction:  Stress is a body's response experienced by a person due to burdened feelings or oppressed in a particular event. Stress may interfere body's homeostasis. One of them is the spermatogenesis process. Healthy stress management is necessary, for example, by doing murottal Al-Qur'an. Reading Al-Qur'an with tartil delivers a beautiful tone and has a relaxing effect and stress release. This research aims to determine the effect of murottal Al-Qur'an on the amount of Leydig cells on male mice (Mus musculus) who are experiencing stress. The compressor used is noise from the road with an intensity of> 85dB, given for 12 hours (18.00-06.00) for 21 days. The therapy used was murottal Al-Quran surah Ar-Rahman verses 1-78, which read by Shaykh Abdurrahman Sudais. In this research there were five categories, they are K+ (not given the stressor and murottal therapy), K- (given noise stressors and not given murottal therapy), P1 (given noise stressors for 12-hours and murottal therapy for 1-hour), P2 (given noise stressor for 12-hours and murottal therapy for 2-hours), P3 (given a stress stressor for 12-hours and murottal therapy for 4-hours). Moreover, observations were done on testicular histology preparations with Hematoxylin Eosin staining in olyvia (c) applications. The number of Leydig cells was examined with a 40x magnification microscope. Cell calculations are done manually with the image raster application. The results revealed that murottal Al-Quran is able to significantly affect the number of Leydig cells (p value = 0,000). Lastly, it can be concluded that there is an influence of murottal Al-Quran on the number of Leydig cells in male mice under stress.


Keyword : Stress, Noice, Murottal Al-Aquran, Surah Ar-Rahman, Leydig Cell

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