Implementasi Fuzzy Multi Criteria Decision Making Pada Seleksi Beasiswa Bank Indonesia

Hakmi Rais Fauzan, Evawati Alisah, Heni Widayani


The Bank Indonesia Scholarship is a scholarship provided by Bank Indonesia for students at various universities, one of which is UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. In the scholarship selection process, there are several criteria that affect the graduation of prospective scholarship recipients. However, often the process is not transparently. So a calculation method is needed, one of which is using Fuzzy Multi Criteria Decision Making (FMCDM). With FMCDM it can help to get an accurate and optimal decision on scholarship recipients. The FMCDM process begins with collecting information related to scholarships, scholarship applicants, and a set of criteria that will be used for consideration of scholarship acceptance. The set of criteria consists of 11 criteria, namely, Academic Achievement Index (GPA), international level achievement, national level achievement, provincial level achievement, district/city level achievement, father's occupation, mother's income, number of family dependents, house area, land and building tax, as well as electricity bills. The next step is to evaluate the fuzzy set by aggregating the weight of the criteria and the degree of compatibility of each alternative with the criteria. The aggregation result is called the fuzzy fit index which consists of 3 values, namely, the value which represents the lower limit of the aggregation result, the value which represents the middle limit, and the value which represents the upper limit value. The three values are ranked using a ranking method for fuzzy numbers with a degree of optimism. So that the total integral value for each alternative will be obtained, which will be the decision in accepting the scholarship. From the results of the FMCDM, there is a ranking of decision alternatives from the highest priority to the lowest in determining scholarship acceptance. 


Criteria; Fuzzy Multi Criteria Decision Making; Scholarship

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