Penerapan Grafik Pengendali DOB (Decision On Belief) Untuk Pengendalian Kualitas Produksi Air Mineral Dalam Kemasan (AMDK)

Fitrotul Auliya, Fachrur Rozi


Efforts to maintain or control the quality of a process are the goals of quality control. One of the tools used is the control chart. A control chart is a graph that shows whether a process is in a controlled state or not. Decision On Belief (DOB) is a new method used to detect defects in a product. The DOB control chart has been proven to be more sensitive in detecting out-of-control data compared to other charts. Data will be analyzed using bar charts, Pareto diagrams, and cause-and-effect diagrams, followed by a distribution test, which shows that the data follows a Poisson distribution. This study applies the DOB chart using two phases: Phase I is used to determine the control limits. In Phase I, the control limits are obtained with values of =49,11 and =7,008. The application of the DOB chart in Phase II shows that the production process is out of control based on the analysis of   = 1,2,...,20. The application of the DOB chart in bottled mineral water production is expected to assist in the control process and improve the quality of packaged mineral water in the future.


Control Chart; DOB Chart; Quality Control Tools; Phase I and Phase II; Packaged Drinking Water


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