The Effect of Perceived Ease of Use on User’s Intention to Use E- learning with Moodle Application in Higher Education Mediated by Perceived Usefulness

Iwan Setya Putra, Boge Triatmanto, Diana Zuhro


This study aims to examine the effect of perceived ease of use on user’s intention to use mediated by perceived usefulness in the use of e-learning in university. This research is essential because it is important to know the user's desire to use e- learning with the Moodle application in universities, considering that during the Covid-19 pandemic, the Indonesian government determined to apply online learning. There were 200 e-learning users from STIE Kesuma Negara Blitar selected as samples. The data were collected by using questionnaire and were then analyzed by multiple regression analysis and path analysis



Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Usefulness, User’s intention to Use, Technology Acceptance Model

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