The effect of salesperson’s expertise and salesperson’s likeability through trust mediation (Case study of PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Brawijaya Malang)

Riwidya Tri Oktavia


This study focuses on the role of salesperson in increasing
repurchase intention through trust that formed between salesperson
and customers. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect
of salesperson's expertise and salesperson's likeability on trust and
repurchase intention. The sample of this study was BNI Brawijaya
Malang's customers who received special services from the
salesperson (personal banking assistant - PBA) and had a minimum
deposit of IDR 500,000,000, - The sample in this study was included
in the purposive sampling category and amounted to 140 people.
Data analysis through Partial Least Square (PLS) with version 3.0
smartPLS. The results of this study indicate that salesperson's
expertise has a significant effect on trust and repurchase intention,
salesperson's likeability has a significant effect on trust but is not
significant in repurchase intention. Trust acts as a partial mediation
on the influence of salesperson's expertise on repurchase intention,
but acts as a complete mediation on the influence of salesperson's
likeability on repurchase intention.


Salesperson’s expertise, salesperson’s likeability, trust, repurchase intention

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