How Does Spirituality Increase the Happiness of Medical Students?

Muhammad Faiz Rahmadany, Siti Munawaroh, Yunia Hastami, Nanang Wiyono


After completing education, medical students are expected to provide good medical services, so good mental health must be possessed. But in reality psychological problems occur since the time of medical education. This condition resulted in their unhappiness. Spirituality is believed to play a role in increasing happiness, so increasing spirituality will increase happiness. There has been no research on the relationship between spirituality and happiness in medical students, especially in Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to see the relationship of spirituality for individual medical students that has an impact on happiness. The study adopted an analytical observational type with a cross sectional design. The study subjects were randomly selected by sampling a population of 100 medical students at Universitas Sebelas Maret class of 2020-2023. Primary data were taken using spirituality instruments based on DSES to determine the level of spirituality and happiness instruments based on SHS and SWLS to determine the level of happiness. To analyze ordinal relationships, a spearman correlation test is used. The results showed that medical students at Universitas Sebelas Maret had a high level of spirituality, while the level of happiness was in the medium category. The relationship between spirituality and happiness showed significance with a correlation value of r = 0.179; p = 0.037 (p < 0.005) indicates that there is a weak relationship between spirituality and happiness. Many factors affect happiness, the higher the spirituality of medical students, the higher the level of happiness.

Keywords: spirituality; happiness; medical students


Spiritualitas; Kebahagiaan; Mahasiswa Kedokteran

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