Modeling Plant Stems Using the Deterministic Lindenmayer System
Plant morphology modeling can be done mathematically which includes roots, stems, leaves, to flower. Modeling of plant stems using the Lindenmayer System (L-system) method is a writing returns that are repeated to form a visualization of an object. Deterministic L-system method is carried out by predicting the possible shape of a plant stem using its iterative writing rules based on the original object photo. The purpose of this study is to find a model of the plant stem with Deterministic Lindenmayer System method which will later be divided into two dimensional space three. The research was conducted by identifying objects in the form of pine tree trunks measured by the angle, thickness, and length of the stem. Then a deterministic and parametric model is built with L-system components . The stage is continued by visualizing the model in two dimensions and three dimensions. The result of this research is a visualization of a plant stem model that is close to the original. Addition color, thickness of the stem, as well as the parametric writing is done to get the results resembles the original. The iteration is limited to less than 20 iterations so that the simulation runs optimal.
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