Analysis of Landing Airplane Queue Systems at Juanda International Airport Surabaya
Juanda International Airport is currently preparing to realize the construction of terminal 3. This construction project impression that Juanda Airport is experiencing an overload, including in the airplane queue. This study aims to analyze the current queuing system at the Juanda International Airport apron, whether effective, quite effective, or less effective in serving the number of existing flights with two terminals. An analysis of the queuing system was conducted in several scenarios. They are in normal/regular condition, a scenario if there is an increase in flight frequency, and a scenario if there is a reduction in aprons’ number because of certain exceptional situations. To analyze the airplane’s landing queue at Juanda airport apron, the queuing model (M/M/51) : (FCFS/∞/∞) is used. From this model, the results show that in normal conditions, the estimated waiting time for each airplane in the system is 0.18 hours with a queue of 2 up to 3 planes/hour, categorized as effective. In one apron reduction scenario, each airplane’s estimated waiting time in the system is 0.7 hours, with a queue of 6 up to 7 planes categorized as less effective. In the scenario of additional flights, only 9 other flights are allowed every day to keep the service performance still quite effective. By obtaining this results analysis, the decision of PT. Angkasa Pura 1 (Persero) to build terminal 3 is suitable to reduce queuing time and improve Juanda International Airport services to be more effective.
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