The Ring Homomorphisms of Matrix Rings over Skew Generalized Power Series Rings

Ahmad Faisol, Fitriani Fitriani


Let  M_n (R_1 [[S_1,≤_1,ω_1]]) and M_n (R_2 [[S_2,≤_2,ω_2]]) be a matrix rings over skew generalized power series rings, where R_1,R_2 are commutative rings with an identity element, (S_1,≤_1 ),(S_2,≤_2 ) are strictly ordered monoids, ω_1:S_1→End(R_1 ),〖 ω〗_2:S_2→End(R_2 ) are monoid homomorphisms. In this research, a mapping  τ from M_n (R_1 [[S_1,≤_1,ω_1]]) to M_n (R_2 [[S_2,≤_2,ω_2]]) is defined by using a strictly ordered monoid homomorphism δ:(S_1,≤_1 )→(S_2,≤_2 ), and ring homomorphisms μ:R_1→R_2 and σ:R_1 [[S_1,≤_1,ω_1]]→R_2 [[S_2,≤_2,ω_2]]. Furthermore, it is proved that τ is a ring homomorphism, and also the sufficient conditions for  τ to be a monomorphism, epimorphism, and isomorphism are given.


matrix rings; homomorphisms; strictly ordered monoid; skew generalized power series rings.

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