Elliptical Orbits Mode Application for Approximation of Fuel Volume Change
This article discusses the Elliptical Orbits Mode (EOM) as a method of approximating the function of changing the volume of fuel in the Underground Yank (UT). This research was conducted at the 45.507.21 Candirejo Tuntang Pertamina Gas Station. The calculation of the approximation method will be applied to the measuring book data from the Semarang Metrology Regency specifically for the Pertalite (Fuel Product of Pertamina) buried tank, because the calculation of the gas station is not smooth, it is necessary for a smoother data fitting by considering Residual Square Error (RSS) and Mean Square Error (MSE). The result of this research is the application of EOM(θ) measuring book with elliptical height control produces smaller RSS and MSE compared to using COM, EOM, Least Square degree two and three.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18860/ca.v7i2.14407
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