Determining Tomato Crop Agricultural Insurance Premium for COVID-19 Pandemic

Binar Aulia Setyawan, I Gusti Putu Purnaba, Retno Budiarti


One type of insurance known as parametric insurance has an agreement for predetermined events made at the beginning of the contract between the insurer (insurance firm) and the insured (farmer). When the causative event occurs, the provision applies that insurer must pay insured with some amount of money (damage compensation). Ozaki has formulated parametric method of premium rates for agricultural insurance build upon yields in specific area. Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture uses this method to ensure that farmers can re-plant crops in following planting season if a crop failure occurs. However, the COVID-19 pandemic's losses were not covered by this method. Given this, we would like to develop agricultural insurance models for tomato crops which figure out COVID-19 pandemic. For make it easier to see the price of tomato commodity due to impact of COVID-19 pandemic, in this research we will take a case study on agriculture managed by PT Mitra Tani Parahyangan. This company is engaged in the horeca business, so it has been greatly affected by the quarantine policy. The results of this study are suggestions for policy makers in anticipation if a pandemic occurs again, it help farmers and Indonesia’s food availability will be maintained.


agricultural insurance; COVID-19; parametric insurance; premium

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