On The Local Edge Antimagic Coloring of Corona Product of Path and Cycle

Siti Aisyah, Ridho Alfarisi, Rafiantika M. Prihandini, Arika Indah Kristiana, Ratna Dwi Christyanti


Let  be a nontrivial and connected graph of vertex set  and edge set  . A bijection  is called a local edge antimagic labeling if for any two adjacent edges  and , where for . Thus, the local edge antimagic labeling induces a proper edge coloring of G if each edge e assigned the color  . The color of each an edge e = uv is assigned bywhich is defined by the sum of label both and vertices  and  . The local edge antimagic chromatic number, denoted by  is the minimum number of colors taken over all colorings induced by local edge antimagic labeling of   . In our paper, we present the local edge antimagic coloring of corona product of path and cycle, namely path corona cycle, cycle corona path, path corona path, cycle corona cycle.

Keywords: Local antimagic; edge coloring; corona product; path; cycle.



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18860/ca.v6i1.8054


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Copyright (c) 2019 Siti Aisyah, Ridho Alfarisi, Rafiantika M. Prihandini, Arika Indah Kristiana, Ratna Dwi Christyanti

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