The Study Geometry Fractals Designed on Batik Motives
This research was conducted to gain some patterns of fractals Julia set and Seirpinski that applied on Batik then creating Batik that has many varied motives and multifaceted. There are three steps in formulating the patterns of fractals of Julia set and Seirpinski. First, build the fractals by analyzing the function of fractals Julia set and determine the plane’s coordinate which you want to use. In this case, we use square and rectangle which will be created by using fractals patterns Seirpinski. Second, create a batik motives from fractals pattern Julia set and Seirpinski by using geometry transformation. The geometry transformation which will be used are translation, dilatation, reflection, and rotation. The last, combine some batik motives which were created by using image processing. It was summation of two images processing. The result is batik motives that has many variated and multifaceted.
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