Local Dynamics of an SVIR Epidemic Model with Logistic Growth
Discussion of local stability analysis of SVIR models in this article is included in the scope of applied mathematics. The purpose of this discussion was to provide results of local stability analysis that had not been discussed in some articles related to the SVIR model. The SVIR models discussed in this article involve logistics growth in the vaccinated compartment. The results obtained, i.e. if the basic reproduction number less than one and m is positive, then there is one equilibrium point i.e. E0 is locally asymptotically stable. In the field of epidemiology, this means that the disease will disappear from the population. However, if the basic reproduction number more than one and b1 more than b, then there are two equilibrium points i.e. disease-free equilibrium point denoted by E0 and the endemic equilibrium point denoted by E1*. In this case the endemic equilibrium point E1* is locally asymptotically stable. In the field of epidemiology, this means that the disease will remain in the population. The numerical simulation supports these results.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18860/ca.v6i3.9891
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