MEMAKNAI PERILAKU MUSLIM DALAM BERSEDEKAH (Studi Fenomenologi Pengalaman Muzakki LAGZIS Sabilit Taqwa Bululawang)

Sutikno, Umar Burhan, Moh. Khusaini, Khusnul Ashar


The purposes of the study are: 1) Giving sense to what does motivate people to spent his money for goodness toward sedekah, 2) Giving sense to the kind of reply both in form of profit or satisfaction which earned by people from sedekah. 3) Giving sense to the process of someone who’s got better life by sedekah. The research findings are: (1) Informant’s motivation in sedekah. First is emotional power, it’s a kind of sympathy feeling when there are suffering people around. Second is spiritual power that means an understanding of religion precept. Third is empiric power, it’s like personal experiences and parents got replied from sedekah. (2) Informants got replied by sedekah, first in form of healthiness and avoided from calamity. This healthiness is made from happiness and calm feeling when making others happy. Second, is in form of success and profit on work. The third is in form of ten times replied or more than sedekah. 3) Informant experiences showed that sedekah is developing our faith and believe to Allah SWT. Our faith and believe were manifest on two things. First, it makes us closer with our maker Allah SWT. This experience was happened on all informants. All of them feel their extensity in this world (being-in-the world) perceivable as together with the existence of Allah SWT. Second, sedekah (almsgiving) brings the informants to better life attitude, such as honest, professionalism and hard worker.


Sedekah; Phenomenology; Consumption; Welfare

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