This Study specifically analyses the structure of the leadership performance which developed by the Rector of the State Islamic University (UIN) of Malang from 1998 to 2008 in order to develop the higher Islamic university he led. This is basing on the developmental phenomena of UIN Malang which is institutionally changing, the disciplines paradigm of combining science and Islam, and the highly improving physical structure development.
This research applies positivistic qualitative approach focusing on the leadership reality in UIN Malang which proceeds dynamically as being proposed by Giddens (1974). Conceptually, this research is a field research using the technique of on going analysis approach combined with content analysis approach proposed by Krippendorff through Blumer’s symbolic interaction approach. This research focused on finding the answer of leadership basic concept, a leader’s performance dimensions, and a leadership style that developed by the Rector of UIN Malang from 1998 to 2008.
The research reveals that the structure of leadership basic concept developed by the Rector of UIN Malang from 1998 to 2008, which the researcher names as as the Performance Dimension of Ulul Albab Leadership Model possesses the character strength in the form of; (1) spiritual deepness, (2) ethical conduct, (3) science broadness and (4) professional maturity.
This research applies positivistic qualitative approach focusing on the leadership reality in UIN Malang which proceeds dynamically as being proposed by Giddens (1974). Conceptually, this research is a field research using the technique of on going analysis approach combined with content analysis approach proposed by Krippendorff through Blumer’s symbolic interaction approach. This research focused on finding the answer of leadership basic concept, a leader’s performance dimensions, and a leadership style that developed by the Rector of UIN Malang from 1998 to 2008.
The research reveals that the structure of leadership basic concept developed by the Rector of UIN Malang from 1998 to 2008, which the researcher names as as the Performance Dimension of Ulul Albab Leadership Model possesses the character strength in the form of; (1) spiritual deepness, (2) ethical conduct, (3) science broadness and (4) professional maturity.
Saintek; Ekonomi; Ulul Albab; Leadership; Concept; Performance Dimension; Leadership Model
Editorial Office:
Management Department,
Faculty of Economics,
State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim
Gajayana Str. No. 50 Phone. 082334248882
E-ISSN 2614-3437
P-ISSN 1829-524X

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