The important role of waqf as a source of funds and low Muslim’s awareness on cash waqf collection
versus it potential cash waqf in Indonesia push this study. This study aims to determine the level of
understanding of the Muslim societies in Surabaya on cash waqf and the factors that influence it, either
internal or external factors. Descriptive statistics, Z test, and multiple regression analysis are used for primary
data collected by distributing questionnaires to the Muslim societies in Surabaya. The results show that the
most Muslim do not understand cash waqf. The level of understanding is influenced by by internal and
external factors. The internal factor is knowledge of religion and the external factor is access to information
media. To improve understanding of the Muslim societies about cash waqf needs to increase religious
knowledge and access to information media, either print or electronic media.
versus it potential cash waqf in Indonesia push this study. This study aims to determine the level of
understanding of the Muslim societies in Surabaya on cash waqf and the factors that influence it, either
internal or external factors. Descriptive statistics, Z test, and multiple regression analysis are used for primary
data collected by distributing questionnaires to the Muslim societies in Surabaya. The results show that the
most Muslim do not understand cash waqf. The level of understanding is influenced by by internal and
external factors. The internal factor is knowledge of religion and the external factor is access to information
media. To improve understanding of the Muslim societies about cash waqf needs to increase religious
knowledge and access to information media, either print or electronic media.
cash waqf; perception; internal factor; external factor
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18860/iq.v11i2.3704
Editorial Office:
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Faculty of Economics,
State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim
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E-ISSN 2614-3437
P-ISSN 1829-524X
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