Abstract: Nowadays, stretching the entrepreneurial communitiy is quite dominate in Indonesia. Evident from
his contributions in the history of the national economy are quite significant in 1998, Small Medium Enterprises
can be seen as the saviour of the valve in the process of national economic recovery, both in pushing the pace
of economic growth as well as the absorption of labour. Based on the data of the Ministry of cooperatives and
SMEs in 2012, Small Medium Enterprises sector is the sector with the largest economy with a national economic
prosentasi the involvement of the offender of 99.99%. The sector absorbs the 97.15% of the labour force in
Indonesia, and contributing to GDP on the basis of the applicable rates of 6.23%.The purpose of this study is
to examine, test, and evaluate the impact of financing facility with the products’ qardhul hasan small medium
enterprises’ increased revenues against the small medium enterprises assisted el-Zawa Uin Maliki Malang.
The population of this research are all Small Medium Enterprises that constitute the built el-Zawa at once
using a financing facility with dana Qardh al-Hasan is 84. 30 of Small Medium Enterprises such as research
samples.The results show that Qardhul Hasan SMEC products can increase the income of clients. In addition,
the performance of the services provided by the customer is reasonably satisfied by the clients.
his contributions in the history of the national economy are quite significant in 1998, Small Medium Enterprises
can be seen as the saviour of the valve in the process of national economic recovery, both in pushing the pace
of economic growth as well as the absorption of labour. Based on the data of the Ministry of cooperatives and
SMEs in 2012, Small Medium Enterprises sector is the sector with the largest economy with a national economic
prosentasi the involvement of the offender of 99.99%. The sector absorbs the 97.15% of the labour force in
Indonesia, and contributing to GDP on the basis of the applicable rates of 6.23%.The purpose of this study is
to examine, test, and evaluate the impact of financing facility with the products’ qardhul hasan small medium
enterprises’ increased revenues against the small medium enterprises assisted el-Zawa Uin Maliki Malang.
The population of this research are all Small Medium Enterprises that constitute the built el-Zawa at once
using a financing facility with dana Qardh al-Hasan is 84. 30 of Small Medium Enterprises such as research
samples.The results show that Qardhul Hasan SMEC products can increase the income of clients. In addition,
the performance of the services provided by the customer is reasonably satisfied by the clients.
Micro small and Medium Business; financing facility; Qardhul Hasan; el-Zawa UIN Maliki Malang;
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Editorial Office:
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Faculty of Economics,
State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim
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E-ISSN 2614-3437
P-ISSN 1829-524X
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