LQR and Fuzzy-PID Control Design on Double Inverted Pendulum

Erlyana Trie Damayanti, Mardlijah Mardlijah, Ridho Nur Rohman Wijaya


Double inverted pendulum is a non-linear and unstable system. Double inverted pendulum can be stabilized in the upright position by providing control to the system. In this research we compare two types of controllers namely Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) and Fuzzy-PID. The objective is to determine the control strategy that provides better performance on the position of the cart and pendulum angle. We modelled the system which is then linearized and given control. From the simulation results, it is proven that LQR and Fuzzy-PID controllers have been successfully designed to stabilize the double inverted pendulum. However, when given a disturbance in the form of noise step, the LQR controller has not been able to achieve the desired reference for up to 20 seconds. In another hand, the Fuzzy-PID controller is able to achieve the desired reference after 8 seconds. Therefore, it can be concluded that the Fuzzy-PID controller when applied to the Double Inverted pendulum system has better performance than the LQR controller.


Control; Double Inverted Pendulum; LQR; Fuzzy; PID

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18860/ca.v9i1.22070


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