SEIR Mathematical Model with the Use of Hand Sanitizers to Prevent the Spread of Covid-19 Disease

Muhamad Ali Misri, Khelan Hussien Qadr, Muhammad Avif Rahmatullah


The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus can spread through contact with contaminated surfaces. The use of hand sanitizer is claimed to reduce the risk of transmission. For this reason, this study aims to develop a model of the spread of COVID-19 using the SEIR model with the use of hand sanitizer for infected individuals. The individual population is divided into six compartments, namely two compartments for susceptible individuals who using hand sanitizer and not, one compartment for exposed individuals, two compartments for infected individuals who using hand sanitizer and not, and one compartment for individuals died and recovered. The results obtained two equilibrium points: the disease-free and endemic equilibrium point, and also the basic reproduction number. The existence of a disease-free equilibrium point is unconditional, while the endemic there exist when the basic reproduction number is more than one. Stability analysis of the disease-free equilibrium point is locally asymptotic stable when the basic reproduction number is less than one. Numerical simulations carried out also strengthen them. Finally, the results of basic reproduction number sensitivity analysis show that the basic reproduction number is strongly influenced by contact of the susceptible individuals with exposed and infected individuals, neglecting of hand sanitizer use, mortality and cure rates.


COVID-19; Hand sanitizer; SEIR Model; Basic Reproduction Number; Stability of Equilibrium Point

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